Sunday, May 4, 2008

Love-Bug Blues

Winnie, TX to San Antonio, TX; 300 Miles

Spending 10 years of my life as a child in the Houston area, I remember these swarming nuisances known as Love-Bugs. They're only seasonal, though when in season, they are in abundance. Well wouldn't you know, Overtime and Rigid made their way through Houston and Galveston, TX while these bastards were in season! I remember as a kid picking the remains of these insects out of the headlights of my Dad's Crown Victoria as they would get so bad the lights would actually dim, but thankfully I never had to ride a motorcycle at highway speeds through this mess... How's this for an example?

More to come on the Love-Bugs. In fact, as Rigid was preparing the daily update Friday evening, he somehow managed to delete his entry and wasn't in the state of mind to retrieve / rewrite the update, and so the boys catch us up on their exploits in the Day 6 review. In the mean time, how about a couple of pictures?

Waiting on the Ferry

Love-Bug Protein Shake

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